Today I challenge you to turn your “shoulds” into “coulds”
Let’s consider:
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“Shoulds” can sometimes be a thinking error, depending on how they are used.
“Shoulds” are expectations or rules we impose on ourselves or others. For example, “I should exercise more” or “He should always be on time.” These expectations can sometimes be helpful, motivating us to strive for a better version of ourselves. However, they can also lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety when we fail to meet these expectations.
One common thinking error related to “shoulds” is called “shoulding on yourself.” This involves setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and then beating yourself up when you inevitably fall short. For example, if you tell yourself you “should” be perfect at everything you do, you’ll likely feel stressed and anxious when you make mistakes.
Another thinking error related to “shoulds” is projecting “shoulds” onto others. This involves having unrealistic expectations for how other people should behave or what they should believe. For example, if you believe that everyone “should” share your political beliefs, you may feel angry or frustrated when someone disagrees with you.
It’s important to be aware of these thinking errors and to challenge your “should” statements when they are causing you unnecessary stress or anxiety. Instead of using “shoulds,” try to reframe your expectations in a more positive and flexible way. For example, instead of saying “I should exercise more,” you could say “I want to make exercise a priority in my life.” This can help you focus on positive goals rather than getting stuck in negative self-talk.
If you want more help with re-framing your limiting beliefs and finally making progress towards your health, wellness and fitness goals. Join me for a FREE Goal Smashing Webinar May 6th and tell your friends!
I can’t wait to see you EMPOWER-ed!
Christine Bettera
PN L2 Master Coach + ACSM CPT
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